A recent project brought back memories for our Business Manager, recalling his childhood, when, much to his mother’s angst, his brother and some friends used to play down the...
Continue ReadingWorks on the cliff toe protection wall at Scarborough are almost complete, The aim was to reduce the formation of cliff toe notching which has been accelerating cliff erosion...
Continue ReadingGood to see what we have been reliably informed is rain out on a site, west of Dalby. We had one of the large rigs out there for two...
Continue ReadingSometimes there is just no machine access and hand methods need to be used. Here is one of our engineers praying to the crow bar gods with the hand...
Continue ReadingOne of the Scout crews drilling a large site for a new health facility west of Brisbane. Looks like the boys found a nice spot to spend the day....
Continue ReadingWishing all our valued clients, employees and suppliers a very Happy Holidays and a wonderful prosperous New Year. #geotechnicalengineering #happyholidays #2020
Continue ReadingAs part of our continued development program, SSE engineers, geologists and technicians participated in an in-house rock slope engineering training session, looking at potential rock slope hazards, their likelihood,...
Continue ReadingNathan Brooking and Shane Cottle attended the Engineers Australia Gold Coast Regional Group End of Year Dinner last night at the Gold Coast Sports and Leisure Centre. A big...
Continue ReadingSoil Surveys Engineering staff attended a very informative breakfast event this week hosted by the UDIA, on the topic of Land Supply within the Gold Coast. It was reassuring...
Continue ReadingWhile trying to relax at Santa Monica Beach, LA, one of our associates couldn’t help but put on his geotech cap over the “California Incline”. An area which is...
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